Sparkoh!: The perfect museum that combines scientific discovery and fun

Sparkoh!: The perfect museum that combines scientific discovery and fun

SPARKOH! formerly known as "Le Pass" is located in Frameries. The park is 18,000 m², 12,000 m² of which is indoors. SPARKOH! is mainly focused on science with many scientific experiments that are adapted to both children and adults and they are really well imagined!
Our daughter, who is almost 6 years old, was amazed and learned a lot in one day (we have to admit: so did we). Everything is explained in a didactic and playful way and allows the discoveries to be well assimilated. Science, which has never been one of our best marks at school, could almost become our favorite subject at the end of the day. We are talking about sports, energy, molecules, fauna, flora, etc. Everything has been thought out in minute detail.
The Acro'bât! (acrobatic) course on 3 floors is the perfect break on the different levels of the exhibition.

Practical information 

Entrance is free for children under 4 years old, it costs 12€ for children and 17€ for adults.
SPARKOH! is located in Framerie, near Mons. The car park is free and has charging stations. The park is accessible to people with reduced mobility. Allow a whole day to visit everything. We were there for 6 hours and didn't get to see everything.
Little plus: Just after the entrance, you will find a counter on your right where you can register your child for an activity according to their age. Our daughter chose the duck fishing activity followed by challenges on the marine world.
On site, the OH!RESTO restaurant welcomes you without reservation and has a direct view on the outdoor playground. The price-quality ratio is top. We ate very well. A short film is shown several times a day and is suitable for children from 6 years old, the theme changing according to the season. We had the opportunity to see the film "La Neige". Outside, there is a large playground, what better way to stretch your legs before hitting the road?
In short, we LOVED it. Thank you SPARKOH! for the day and we will definitely come back 😊

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